Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Week 1: The Big Introduction to the Ever Expanding ICT

If there was one thing that has changed the most since i was in primary school, it would be the use of ICT in the classroom. From having one computer per classroom,that was hardly ever used, except to play games, today, i entered the world......a new generation........ of ICT where opportunities for its use were galore.  

How Web 2.0 are you?

The first session was an introduction to web 2.0. So what is web 2.0? When i first heard it, it sounded like some sort of software. I did not even realise i was utilising web 2.0 until i was told that: 

were all a part of it! Perhaps, it can be seen as social software as web 2.0 provides a platform where all things happen.It is a social and technological revolution! It is very similar to social networking in terms of interacting with others and building relationships online however web 2.0 offers platforms such as blogging, incorporating multimedia materials and audio and video sharing! Having been introduced to del.icio.us and crazy talk, i will definitely be using them!

Users can quickly find what they're looking for, access it at any time, link with like minded individuals and sites to create a very powerful network for sharing ideas and influencing opinion. It is also all for free!

Web 2.0 can transform the classroom and provide opportunities for personalised learning. Skype is a great way for children to meet other children from other schools around the world and bring in guest speakers. Podcasts can also be a great tool for enhancing learning and teaching processes within and outside the school. it can be dowloaded from a website (a reliable source) or a recording can be done by the teacher. The children themselves can also get involved, creating a podcast for topics they have learnt. It promotes collaboration and communication with a wider audience (will have to make sure that the school's poilcy includes educational podcasting first!).

It is also important to understand the limitations and implications of web 2.0. Yes it is interactive and relevant today but it is also inaccurate, whether it's information that is portrayed as being the truth to pictures that are edited. Teachers need to make sure that children are aware of this and taught how to be safe online. 

Little BIG Voice

I'm currently in my session learning all about blogging! If it wasn't for this opportunity, i would not have considered blogging.  

It is one of the best ways to communicate as everyone is given the same platform to express themselves and so it is great tool for children. They are able to learn/gain/improve on skills sometimes without even realising it - sharing, literacy, ownership, collaboration, discussion, interaction, motivation, participation, engagement, excitement, conversation, creativity, critical thinking and reflection, all of which are useful for their digital futures! Blogs can also be fantastic for EAL children in supporting them with forming sentences. 

With blogging comes rules and children need to made aware of what they can and can't publish. NO surnames, NO location, NO contact information, NO sharing of personal information.

Until next week!

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